Spencer Vann: The Finance Expert Who Co-Founded Surplus Fund At A Young Age
Uncovering an untouched goldmine in the real estate industry and sharing the secrets to many homeowners and real estate investors.
Many of us dream of one-day buying and owning our own house. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to afford their own homes end up in 2 paths. Either they fully settle all of their mortgages after years of paying or come across unfortunate instances where they’re no longer able to pay for their house’s remaining loan debt. All unsettled debts end up with home foreclosures and auctioning or reselling of these properties. Many homeowners don’t realize that over time, their house’s prices have increased and that the sale price of their foreclosed homes have overages they have rights of claiming over. This excess money or overages are referred to in the industry as surplus funds. One brilliant mind rose among many others in the industry to reunite homeowners with their lost money and train and coach real estate investors and entrepreneurs to start and grow their own surplus fund recovery business.
Spencer Vann is the co-founder and CEO of SurplusFund.com — a surplus funds recovery business helping many homeowners learn about and claim their lost money from their foreclosed homes and training and grooming real estate investors on starting and growing their own surplus fund recovery business. A future cause-driven, and not necessarily a money-driven, hardworking genius entrepreneur, Spencer Vann established SurplusFund.com to develop financial advancements and provide a sense of hope to all homeowners who have lost their houses to foreclosure or are unaware that they have claimed over the excess money from the sales of their foreclosed homes.
Things weren’t comfortable for Spencer Vann growing up. A few years after he was born, his younger brother was diagnosed with extreme autism. This drove his parents to use up all of their excess income to pay for the best medical treatment for his younger brother. His family’s struggles made Spencer’s environment tough growing up. He had to start dreaming big and start taking action to help his parents. Spencer had to endure many nights sleeping on the concrete floor of their home because his parents ripped off their carpet after his younger brother ruined it.
Driven to start helping his parents and his younger brother, Spencer Vann started excelling in basketball to one day become an NBA player to help his parents and his younger brother. Sadly, his dreams of becoming an athlete were shattered after he injured his ankles. Out of depression and learning about her mom’s lifelong dream of buying and owning her own house, Spencer started studying real estate in hopes of helping her mom buy her own house or at least connect her with the right people.
After closing his first big deal at the age of 17 and becoming a full-fledged real estate agent at the age of 18, Spencer hungered for more knowledge and kept studying more and more secrets of the real estate industry until eventually discovering surplus funds recovery. After reaching out to and collaborating with another finance expert, Spencer built his business SurplusFund.com to help many others.
Now, Spencer and his team of experts are spreading their knowledge and expertise to many more real estate investors. As his clientele grows, his team of highly vetted experts is also growing. Check out their training and coaching services and their team of experts at SurplusFund.com.